Wednesday 24 April 2024

Another from David Noble

Today's post, 24 April 2024, features a fifth David Noble painting described on this blog - a sixth will be posted in the near future. Titled Countryside Love, this fifth jigsaw painting is featured on a 100XXL 'special' puzzle from Gibsons - comprising 100 pieces, each five times larger than normal. This puzzle is ideal for people who get impatient with larger puzzles, those who have impaired vision, mental or tactile problems, and for children. The same title is also issued as a 1000-piece, standard example.
In David's painting a man is pictured with his girlfriend, lying side by side in a field, with a classic car closeby. Above, in the distance, a Stanier 'Princess Coronation' class locomotive is roaring past with an express passenger service, on the West Coast Main Line. On the Guild of Railway Artists's website David's painting is titled The Other Woman hinting at the possible choice the man will have to make in the future.