Somewhat neglected in the steam railway jigsaw market are those examples depicting locomotives representing the superb Scottish railway companies - The Caledonian Railway, The Highland Railway, The Glasgow and South Western Railway and the North British Railway for example. Two such jigsaws in my collection are titled Caledonian Railway 123 at Carstairs and Clan Fraser - LMS.
The first is a
fine 400-piece jigsaw from the Rail Journey series by KG Games. Featured is the handsome 4-2-2 locomotive, No.123, exhibiting superb engineering qualities complemented by the famous 'Caley blue' livery. The picture appears to be reproduced from a photograph. Designed by Dugald Drummond in 1886 and built by the Glasgow company of Nielson & Co. in around 67 days, CR No.123 achieved immortality during the summer 'Races to the North' between East and West Coast Railway Companies, in 1888. In the races, she ran the final Carlisle - Edinburgh leg for the West Coast every day - a fantastic achievement. She has survived into preservation in her native Scotland.