Tuesday 3 November 2015

National Jigsaw Day

I was listening to Radio 2 this morning and it was announced that it was National Jigsaw Day, today, November 3rd 2015. I have not heard about it before but it seems appropriate that I post on this special day.

The picture features a Bits and Pieces, "Studio Puzzle" of 1000-pieces titled The Railway Children. The artist is Stuart Booth (?)* and another puzzle displaying his artwork, Cornish Riviera Limited,  by Otter House, can be found in the post of 18th July 2013. It is not an easy puzzle to assemble due to many similar clumps of shape and colour in the tree areas. The composition, comprising a single track branch line in rural UK, an old locomotive and watching, waving children, is highly pictorial and a proven, successful combination. The picture reminds me of a famous film of the same name.

The locomotive, heading some old Southern Railway green coaches is an Adams Radial Tank, a famous design from c1885. On this date the Locomotive Superintendant in charge at the London & South Western Railway was William Adams, and his class '415' of 4-4-2T engines, included No.30584, in British Railways' days, in the jigsaw picture.
*If you know differently please let me know - email address above.