For those of us who remember, a day trip to the seaside by steam train was a memorable experience. Travelling by rail to a holiday destination and returning home in similar fashion, was equally inspiring. This post, 13th April 2016, comprises two photographs of jigsaws perfectly depicting this nostalgia.

The first jigsaw shown, aptly titled
Seaside Excursion, is a 1000-piece jigsaw from Gibsons
Heritage series replicating a Malcolm Root painting of the same name. In the picture an Ivatt, class '2MT' 2-6-0 ('Mogul') locomotive, No.46469, is entering Halstead Station heading carmine and cream passenger coaches. The destination is an Essex coastal resort. A level crossing and signal box add to the railway scene which includes an Eastern National, Bristol K-type bus waiting at the crossing. A blue sky augurs well for the waiting passengers including, in the foreground, two children carrying buckets and spades, an obvious clue as to the purpose of the train journey.

The second picture features a Gibsons 636-piece 'Panoramic' jigsaw titled
Seaside Train. In Derek Roberts's artwork an ex Midland Railway / ex LMS 0-6-0 'Jinty' tank locomotive, No.47272, is shown with a short passenger train standing in a small seaside station. The train has arrived through a short tunnel. The station is in very close proximity to the promenade, the weather is glorious and many people, including family groups, are present on the platform. Colourful summer clothes are the order of the day. The bay beyond is also busy with holidaymakers and the overall atmosphere reflects joy and expectation. The station is not named but is it on the famous south west coast, perhaps?