I can't explain why I have not used these four Waddington's jigsaws on my blog before now, 23 May 2019. I have had them in my collection for many years (since 1995) and always considered them as 'classic' steam train puzzles. I have resisted the temptation to sell them when downsizing recently as they mirror four of Barry Freeman's best paintings in my opinion, (see his book The Railway Paintings of Barry Freeman). Barry's paintings, clearly defined and evocative, were ideal for jigsaw production. The four puzzles, of 500 pieces each, were issued under the series title of Great Days of Steam.

The first is titled
Winter Wayfarers and the painting has also been used by Gibsons as a panoramic, 636-piece example. The latter is described in the blog of 7 March 2012. The 'Coronation Scot' train in blue and silver livery is pictured speeding past a canal in a 'winter wonderland'. Two barges are pictured on the canal and an elderly dog walker observes the scene from the opposite canal bank. The 4-6-2 'Princess Coronation' class locomotive at the head of the train is No.6221,
Queen Elizabeth.
Cities of Lancaster depicts the huge 4-6-2 locomotive, No. 46243
City of Lancaster, pulling into the station of the same name, on the West Coast Main Line. Both 6221 above, and 46243 were designed by (Sir) William Stanier as part of the 'Coronation' class of 38 express locomotives for the London Midland & Scottish Region (LMS).
Summer at Saltern Cove features a 'Star' class, 4-6-0 locomotive, No. 4072
Tresco Abbey, designed by George Jackson Churchward for the Great Western Railway (GWR). The locomotive, converted to a 'Castle' class example in 1938, is pictured hauling typical GWR chocolate and cream carriages along the Cornish coast.

The fourth jigsaw in the series is
Sharing the Moment. Barry has painted double heading GWR locomotives speeding past a lock on the Kennet & Avon Canal. The leading locomotive is 'Saint' class 4-6-0, No.2982
Lalla Rookh, with 'Castle' class 4-6-0 No.4093
Dunster Castle, behind. In the lock on the canal is a huge barge
Unity which just fits the available space. Two shire horses with a handler are shown beside the lock. No.2982 was a George Jackson Churchward design; No.4093 was designed by Charles Collett.