Friday 21 July 2017

Artist James Green

Today's post, 21st July 2017, continues a previous series of posts covering jigsaws displaying the artwork of railway artists, past and present, who have contributed to the steam railway jigsaw genre. Philip Hawkins, John Austin, Malcolm Root, Don Breckon, Terence Cuneo, George  Heiron, Barry Freeman, among others, have all been included. James Green is currently one of the country's leading artists; he has marketed a set of three jigsaws, each in three different sizes, featuring his own steam railway paintings. They are 'heirloom' wooden examples, of 40, 250 and 1000 pieces, made by leading jigsaw manufacturer, Wentworth.  Jigsaws are titled The Flying Scotsman, Sir Nigel Gresley and Duchess, City of Leeds - Crewe North 1964.


I will post pictures of all three jigsaws in due course but at the present time I have only one to show -  a 250-piece example titled The Flying Scotsman. The train and locomotive of the same name are pictured at speed somewhere on the East Coast Main Line. The famous 'A1/A3' class 4-6-2 locomotive No.4472 Flying Scotsman, built at Doncaster in 1923, first graced LNER metals as part of the 'A1' class, sporting a GNR number, 1472. The locomotive received the number 4472 specially for the British Empire Exhibition in 1924. Most of the class were later upgraded to 'A3' status.  Look up previous posts for more info on this famous locomotive and train (input Flying Scotsman in the search bar above). In James's superb artwork the iconic locomotive is depicted in original LNER 'Apple Green' livery heading a rake of Gresley teak coaches; a Leyland Tiger TS8 Type B single decker bus is added to the background of the composition, for 1930's authenticity.

James's website  is a 'must see'.  The jigsaws are featured on the site. Much of his work  is displayed including a series of pictures showing how his artwork of Flying Scotsman was built up from an initial sketch to the final painting.