Wednesday 27 January 2021

Meals on Wheels

House of Puzzles of Invergordon is among my favourite jigsaw companies because of the variety of shapes included in their puzzle pieces. Today's jigsaw, 27th January 2021, is a 500-piece example titled Meals on Wheels.
Meals on Wheels duplicates the artwork of Michael Herring. The puzzle (c2003) depicts a small farm in winter, with the main focus being a bright blue tractor, sporting vivid red wheels and radiator grill, at the head of a stationary hay cart. A farmer stood at the rear of the cart, is distributing hay to several sheep. The hay has been raked off the cart by a youthful farmhand. In the background is the obligatory steam train, a BR tank engine, (‘Jinty’ 0-6-0) pulling a small rake of crimson coaches along an embankment, passing a signal box. The young farmhand watches the train with interest, from his raised position on the cart; a Border Collie is by his side. A carpet of snow adds to the overall aesthetics of Michael’s painting. Parts of the jigsaw are included below to illustrate some of the differently shaped pieces.