Friday 10 September 2021

More from Peter Webster

Today's post, 10 September 2021, describes a 1000-piece jigsaw from Classic Deluxe/JHG, titled Summer Saturday. Peter Webster is the artist.
Peter's artwork generally places a steam train or two in a branchline station, within a countryside environment. In Summer Saturday my own mind is a little confused, however. View the train on the right - I can't identify the BR Western Region locomotive ('Castle'?). The lamps on the buffer beam indicate an express train, but if this is right, the people at the Fete must have arrived on the smaller, local train on the opposite platform. But, with no foot-bridge linking both platforms, people must have used a barrow crossing, (a wooden pedestrian crossing) out of sight in the background. The reporting number 117 on the smoke box door - does anyone know this route? If you do, please email me. There are many people in and around this branchline station, all I assume, attending the summer fete. A huge tree dominates the picture on the left and several large marquees can be seen at the Fete. The background of rolling hills and valleys is typical of Peter's work.