Sunday 27 November 2022

Kevin Walsh x 2 again

A couple of posts ago I featured two jigsaws showing similar Kevin Walsh paintings which, at first glance, appeared to be the same. On further inspection it was clear that there were differences/alterations between the two. In this post, 27 November 2022, I am showing two more jigsaws below, promoting Walsh artwork, from two companies - Kidicraft again, and Ravensburger. Close viewing will show pictorial differences, but please ignore differences in colour saturation. The first (top) is a 500-piece example from Ravensburger titled Green Steam Engine,. (See the post of 30 August 2013). The second (bottom) is a more recent offering from Kidicraft in the Kevin Walsh Nostalgia series of 1000-piece jigsaws. This one is titled Passing By and there are more differences between this and Green Steam Engine than in the previous, 27 November pair. The train and the car are the same in both jigsaws; A Gresley 'V2' class locomotive No.4791 liveried in London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) apple green, and a deep blue Austin(?) vintage car. The children appear the same.