Thursday 31 August 2023

More of Trevor Mitchell's illustrative artwork

Today's picture, 31st August 2023, shows a 1000-piece puzzle from the Gibsons' company titled Treats at the Station. The artist is Trevor Mitchell and again he has delivered an extremely colourful and 'busy' composition. You don't have to search diligently to find 23 figures - adults and children - some in summer attire; a station; a bus (Bedford OB?); a motorcycle rider and sidecar; several goods wagons and a steam locomotive. Among the figures are an ice cream seller who appears to be quite happy as the weather looks ideal for his trade. The backscene includes a village street, a clock tower, market stalls and a small fun-fair.
The locomotive is an ex Furness Railway class 'D5' 0-6-0 tender locomotive, No.12509 (1920), which progressed through to the London Midland and Scottish Railways, then to British Railways, where it was re-numbered, 52509 (post 1948), as in the jigsaw picture. (If anyone knows better, please email me and I will amend the post). Trevor has also added trees, birds in flight, red brick and stone buildings and hoardings advertising holiday destinations. I don't think there is any available space for more 'extras'. Possibly a dog?