Many jigsaws featuring steam trains became part of the Arrow Games portfolio from the company's launch in 1965. Arrow was very successful for just over twenty years (but as part of the American, Milton Bradley Group, from 1972). This post, 27th May 2012, includes pictures of two jigsaws from one of the 500-piece,
Age of Steam series, this duo from the 1978 series. The latter was probably the worst series in terms of print quality.

The first pic is of a jigsaw titled
B1 at York and features a London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) 'B1' class 4-6-0 locomotive of Edward Thompson approaching York Station heading a rake of Gresley teak coaches. Four hundred and ten 'B1s' were built by the LNER and British Railways (BR) between 1942 and 1952. Two are preserved.

The second pic is of a jigsaw depicting a Stanier class '5' 4-6-0 locomotive of (Sir) William Stanier leaving Birmingham New Street Station. The class of eight hundred and forty five locomotives was built between 1934 and 1951 by the LMS (London Midland & Scottish Railway) and BR. They were always known as 'Black Fives'. Eighteen 'Black Fives' have survived into preservation.